Oskar Bergman (Stockholm 1879 - Saltsjöbaden 1963)
Pine trees before Birch trees
signed and dated (lower left): Oskar Bergman 1910
watercolour, gouache and gold on paper
227 x 163 mm
original frame made by August Bergin & Co, Stockholm (established 1864)
(Perhaps) Vienna, Hagenbund, Zedlitzhalle, Schwedische Künstler, autumn 1910, No. 117 Frühlingsabend, 119 Pfingsten [Pentecost] or 130 September
When signing the present work, Bergman has used red paint and intentionally has blurred the letters in order for the signature to blend in with its surroundings, thus minimizing the signature’s interference with the image, in contrast to his customary way of signing his works with very precise letters standing out against the background.
In 1915, Bergman adopted the image for use in a watercolour entitled, Lyrical Landscape, 45 x 61 cm. (Thielska Galleriet) (exh. cat, Stockholm, Thielska Galleriet, Stilla natur [Silent Nature]. Oskar Bergman, 18 February-20 August 2023, no. 23, illustrated p. 59)