Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise: mural design for the Chamber of Deputies, Palais Bourbon Library, Paris
Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix -
Le Géographe
Jacques-Antoine-Marie Lemoine -
God Teaching the Law to Moses
Pierre-Joseph Maader -
Map of the Heavenly Canopy for the Austral or Southern Hemisphere (“Carte de la Voûte Céleste pour l’Hémisphère Austral ou Sud”)
French School -
Two Sky Studies
Henry Farrer -
Two Sky Studies
Henry Farrer -
William Earl Johns -
Man and Woman on Opposite Sides of a Window
Maxime Dethomas -
Studies of a Hand
F. Kaub -
Study of an Anthemion
Svend Rasmussen Svendsen -
Klockan (“The Clock”)
Olof Thunman -
View of Siena from the Porta Ovile
Sture Lundberg -
The Nawab
Frederick Goodall -
A Seated Man in a Pastel Orange Suit Carrying a White Cane
Carl Erickson -
Flamingos in a lily pond in front of a pyramid, framed by fish, two lotus flowers and a spider
Ludwig von Hofmann -
Sieben Freunde (or Self-Portrait with Six Women)
Herbert Rolf Schlegel -
Horst Janssen -
Allen Jones R.A. -
Pablo Bronstein -
Pablo Bronstein